Cooling By Design
Planned Preventative Maintenance & Servicing

Regular, planned, preventative maintenance and servicing of your air conditioning system is important to ensure your system continues to perform at its best.

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By maintaining a regular schedule of servicing and maintenance for your air conditioning system, you will ensure:

  • Minimise and prevent expensive breakdowns and repairs

  • Reduce energy running costs

  • Maintain a comfortable, healthy, and hygienic environment all year round

  • Increase your systems overall efficiency

  • Maximising the longevity of your system

Air conditioning systems are expensive assets and investments that deserve TLC and regular maintenance. Irregular or no maintenance almost certainly will result in higher electricity bills, poorer performance, inconvenient and expensive repairs.

Depending on the size, location, and type of your air conditioning system, Cooling By Design will tailor and recommend a maintenance plan suitable to your site and budget, whether it is required annually, quarterly, every six months, or perhaps following times which your machine is of heavy use/extraordinary temperature extremes. As part of a regular maintenance plan and partnership, we can also advise on the best housekeeping practices that you can do yourself on a regular basis to ensure optimum efficiency and performance.

Preventative, planned maintenance includes:

  • Monitor and testing of the system

  • Cleaning of all equipment and filters

  • Replacement of filters or consumables as required

 To arrange a no-obligation, free quotation for a regular air conditioning maintenance plan, contact Cooling By Design today.